1 FDA厂家备案号码(FDA factory registration#)
2 产品注册号码( device listing#)
3 初始进口商注册号码(initial US based importer registration#)
4 部分医疗仪器还需要做510K产品售前备案(PremarketNotification 510(k)),如红外线电子体温计,输液泵等,FDA网站上也可以查询是否需要510(k)
21 CFR 807.20 (a)(5) Acts as an initial importer asdefined in 807.3(g), except that initial importers may fulfill their listingobligation for any device for which they did not initiate or develop thespecifications for the device or repackage or relabel the device by submittingthe name and address of the manufacturer. Initial importers shall also beprepared to submit, when requested by FDA, the proprietary name, if any, andthe common or usual name of each device for which they are the initialimporter;
21 CFR 807.3 (g) Initialimporter means any importer who furthers the marketing of a devicefrom a foreign manufacturer to the person who makes the final delivery or saleof the device to the ultimate consumer or user, but does not repackage, orotherwise change the container, wrapper, or labeling of the device or devicepackage.
为降低风险,按照FDA要求正规申报,那就需要一个美国本土公司作为收货人(即consignee,≠Importer of Record),并注册initial USbased importer registration#。九方通逊针对本身已经满足第1、2和第4项条件的医疗器械类产品推出一项服务:为客户 提供第3项FDA初始进口商注册号码 来协助完成清关,具体服务详情可咨询我司客户经理。
- 上一篇:【清关】你的产品要做FDA申报吗? 2019/3/25
- 下一篇:FBA头程三者之间有什么区别 2019/3/25